Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beijing 307 Hospital Affiliated Cancer Second Section Tel

Sulfur dioxide can cause cancer do?
Zhang Yujin De
Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 307 Hospital Affiliated Cancer Second Section Tel:
sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless, irritating gas. People in their annual lives constantly exposed to sulfur dioxide. The major path of human exposure to sulfur dioxide are: 1, occupational exposure, industry of sulfuric acid, sulfate, and the production process or application of sulfur dioxide manufacture laborers can be exposed to sulfur dioxide .2 making process, industrial emissions thawing sulfide ores or flaming may generate sulfur dioxide when sulfur dyes pollute the atmosphere, which is a common industrial emissions .3, the edible intake of sulfur, sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite and sulfur dioxide in low-sodium sulfite materials, food edible additives commonly used in industry, if secondhand in food production processes alike bleach, food including sulfur dioxide Central Standing Committee. dioxide into the body generate sulfite and bisulfite, at compartments in the sulfite oxidase be rusted to sulfate, via the normal post-detoxification ultimately secreted in urine, so a small amount of sulfur dioxide into the body that is secure and harmless. International Joint FAO and WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives of sulfur dioxide as a food additive materials The risk appraisal that: sulfur dioxide receivable daily intake 0-0.7mg/kg heaviness, that is, a 60 kg adult body weight, daily intake of sulfur dioxide does not exceed 42 mg. superfluous toxicity effectively as sulfur dioxide by caused by occupational exposure to keen and chronic hazards. exposure to high concentrations of sulfur dioxide gas can cause acute poisoning, eyes, nose, mucous membrane irritation, caustic throat spasms when the produce, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema can reason a colossal number of breath, asphyxiation, coma or even decease. Long-term low-dose exposure to sulfur dioxide can guide to dim the sense of smell, chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, lung function and immune feature. severe cases can occasion radiate interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and stiffening of the pulmonary toxicity. Zi-Qiang Meng Chinese scholars and other research suggests that sulfur dioxide and its derivatives (sulfite and bisulfite) is a systemic poison, it is not only genotoxic factors CLASTOGENS, meantime lung, brain, center, liver , tolerate, intestines, spleen, thymus, kidney, testis and blood lymphocytes were noxious treatment character in the genetic material.
common sulfur dioxide as atmospheric pollutants, not sure whether the cancer directly, but research shows that decisive conditions may have the latent of tumor promotion. studies show that exposure to sulfur dioxide pollution of the personnel in their blood higher than normal chromosome aberrations. animal experiments show that sulfur dioxide derivatives in a similar role. affirmed the sulfur dioxide and its derivatives can cause DNA damage, the extent of damage can be increased with increasing potion of sulfur dioxide. large number of medical epidemiological scrutinize found that higher concentrations of sulfur dioxide pollution not only increased the incidence of respiratory diseases, but also increased the occurrence of lung cancer. animals The results show that sulfur dioxide concentrations in the sub-chronic exposure to 28mg/M3 conditions, the sulfur dioxide can cause DNA damage lung cells in rats. 10mg/M3 another animal studies show that sulfur dioxide can be enhanced benzo (a) pyrene (Bap ) carcinogenic effects, the results of this mutual action, the cancer incidence rate is higher than the incidence of one cancer-causing factors.
affiliated World Health Organization, the International Institute as Cancer Research (IARC) 2004 年 has issued aboard the 900 chemicals the mixture and location on person exposure apt carcinogenic appraisal report on the results. said: About 90% of human cancers and the surroundings on chemical carcinogens. In mandate to increase awareness of the environment awareness of chemical carcinogens, to take the required positive and efficacious prevention measures to shield the health of human. according to the results of IARC appraisal were divided into 4 groups: I team identified human carcinogen (Carcinogenic to humans), 95 种; II Group A namely probable to be human carcinogens (Probably carcinogenic to humans), 66 category of animals, ample evidence, some epidemiological certify; II team B for a likely human carcinogen (Possbly carcinogenic to humans), 241 category of animal sufficient evidence However, lack of epidemiological evidence; III group was not deserving to the new file, no on their human carcinogenicity classification (Not classifiable for tocarcinogencity to humans), 497 种; IV group, it may not be human carcinogen stuff, merely 1 species. dioxide Ⅲ group is a chemical, is currently not enough message, not its assortment of human carcinogenicity. This report on the study of human chemical carcinogens, in the International Cancer nationwide collection of research hearts nigh the earth message and research related to sarcoma research based on the results, focus on Europe and the U.S., Japan and additional world-renowned illness specialists, medicinal specialists mission compel, given the strict thoughtful technological thinking, briefed and made. It is the common use of the asset of mankind can be. Meanwhile, the report is too the appointment of the world with regard to chemical carcinogens in the chief accomplishments and progress.
In summary, sulfur dioxide on human health have some break, Laboratory studies have shown namely potentially carcinogenic, yet epidemiological and clinical data of insufficient evidence.

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