Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the summer heat annual behind year

Teaching Objectives:
1, understand there namely only 1 Earth, we have to protect Mother Earth.
2, to understand the status of wildlife resources, wildlife resources and to understand the relationship between human beings and the protection of important wildlife resources significance. cultivate adore the motherland and the mawkish nature.
3, to understand the phenomenon of environmental pollution and risks, understanding the need to protect the environment, urgency and long-term .4, understand the environment in China for the protection of the laws and measures, environmental awareness grew, and consciously participate in various activities to protect the environment.
education major and difficult:
1. to understand the status of wildlife resources and the protection of important wildlife resources. < br> 2. environmental pollution is also a converge, is also a difficulty. instructing with the students to know about the environmental pollution caused by pollution, and students to examine the reasons and the present environment, there are some uncommon normal conditions and environmental pollution the relationship between the understanding of our country and take fathom to vigorously promote the absence for environmental pollution and urgency.
teaching preparation:
1, teachers create multimedia courseware.
2, students gathered before class environmental pollution in the region position and people's stories made for the protection of the environment.
teaching time: 2 hours
teaching process:
one,praying as retrieval alteration fitness, into new courses:
1,shanghai massage, enjoy the Earth's picture:
Teacher: It is astronauts to the moon for the first time namely the Earth is a beautiful sphere, she was dressing a blue Shayi water, she is so smart and great, affable. our planet is too cute, also easily broken at the same time! So astronauts appeal: Only One Earth.
students, we already know can not live without human environment, the environment is by a variety of biological elements and the combination of non-biological factors. But a long time, because human unreasonable use of environmental resources, production and lifestyle, or the unreasonable man brought many environmental problems, such for the decrement of biological resources, environmental pollution and so on. So we must protect the environment, protection of wild animals and plants.
II learning fashionable perception.
(a) of the savage beasts and plants:
1. look at the pictures, description of rare animals and plants.
side outlook side thinking:
(1) What are animals and plants in China rare animals and plants?
(2) you know which factories and animals are infrequent animals and factories?
(3) Why this emphasis on human resources for the protection of wild animals and plants? wildlife and humans have anything to do?
2 . with the look of the pictures of the on problems.
Summary: Our country has a vast territory, perplexing terrain, climate and unlike, under the conditions in this environment, wildlife resources. Our multi-species, is the world's 12 raw materials, and is closely narrated to human life. Second,toronto escort, these wild animals and plants have important scientific value. They are the hereafter of agriculture, medication and industrial development of the life of the resource base. However, the current very serious damage to wildlife resources. human activities unreasonable and environmental pollution, human use of biological resources is unreasonable, resulting in the extinction of many species or endangered species. We want to jointly protect the wildlife resources so that natural resources not only serve the people of this generation, but also services in the next generation.
(b) Environmental pollution:
Teacher: What are the pollution of environmental pollution?
water pollution, climate pollution, noise pollution hh
1, see the picture:
Division : Animals are man's best friend. But look around carefully, we ascertain these We have gradually chance dull blue sky, the summer heat year afterward year, universal temperatures additional year by year, deserts distend. All this is what causes it? (Students: environmental pollution) is ah, environmental pollution, increasing solemn, not only instantly intimidate human life, but also accelerated the demise of other category. Let us take a closer hear to the cries of small animals it! (courseware)
(1) Dear carp: Hello! I had a very bad, his face sallow, thin only the bones. blame those who do not know the love of human nature and the environment Bai! factory chimneys emit their exhaust, motorcar exhaust emissions, scale up polluted the air, under the sky are acid rain, you say, so that grass can grow? I were peckish for days! was going to go look and see where there is naught good to dine!
(2) hey, my dear goat: I was very ill these days ah! since River after a chemical plant was built, we'll be in distress! chemical discharges into the river constantly, so that river water becomes black and smelly. sewage in There are many toxic substances, and my sister's disease patients were dead. You see, I nearly fall out that a scale! hey, evidently, I also live many longer.
(3) What is the pollution goats and carp caused emergency? (Blackboard: Air water) students meditation about what other places in nature by the human damage? (writing on the blackboard: the sea, ozone, forests, taint)
Yes ah, ecology has been so numerous places of human harm, it is period to retention our planet, protect the earth's time.
2, penetrate pictures, learn about the phenomenon of pollution.
3 to discuss:
(1) We can now feel the maximum serious pollution problems? (noise, air)
(2) the causes of such pollution, what is? (factory)
(3 ) What is the clash of pollution on human beings? (hearing detriment, respiratory hh)
(4) how to solve these pollution problems? (written suggestion manuscript, etc.)
(5) should do our own? ( from me: do not throw fruit, paper, plant trees, participate in various community service hh)
4, Summary: Environmental pollution is deserving to human making and way of life reasoned by the irrational. environmental pollution of the biological growth and development and survival, but too influence human life, causing human ailment and even decease. Our country attaches large magnitude to environmental pollution, because they do not solve this problem, we can not proceed to amplify and survive.
( c) Environmental Protection:
environmental protection is a basic state plan of China. our country is gradually agreeable a legal system of the nation, for which the state must pass legislation to protect the environment. to the end of 1997, 28 countries have enacted environmental more than 70 chips of legislation and environmental regulations.
array to protect the natural environment and wildlife resources, primarily rare animal and plant resources, citizen, and provincial and civic set aside a decisive amount of regions to establish nature reserves. to the end of 1997, citizen has 926 various types of nature reserves. not only the protection of wildlife protected places is also an important found for biological research. Establishing nature reserves is to protect an important way of wildlife resources.
(1 ) You know what Nature? these protected areas is the main object of protection what?
(2) At present, some nature reserves open to observers, for human to visit. If you enter the reserve, should disburse consideration to? < br> (3) For environmental protection, what do we do?
discard the use of disposable supplies (except hospitals); use fabric shopping; refused to convict animals; precedence to purchase green; much soap, use fewer detergent phosphorus ; saving periodical; save water; fewer petition of pesticides and fertilizers; do not discard used batteries; timely reporting abuse to environmentally friendly action hh
3 classroom summary:
conservation of the environment is everyone's duty and prerequisite. Protection surroundings, should we begin with ourselves, after hours. from infancy will start to build environmental awareness, cultivate the habit of caring as the environment, from the tiny entities, and actively partake in manifold activities of landscaping. for we have only one Earth, human life if the families were devastated, we will have nowhere apt work!
students and teachers chanting:
caring for the earth bar! mm which is our common home;
caring for the earth bar ! mm This is our common mother.
[Teaching Reflection]: Because the class before the students to collect information aboard environmental pollution, environmental pollution, the severity of the students yet have a better comprehending and awareness, paired with students in the classroom affirmative interaction, participation, students study extra approximately the caustic environmental pollution, and environmental pollution ashore humans. stimulate environmental awareness and commitment of students, the students learned: there is only one Earth, we have to protect human life home. and kas long asfrom the protection of the Earth approximately the little things, I start from!

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