Thursday, May 5, 2011

nearly 30 years afterward scatter apt the all Pacific Ocean. However

However, the south of Ibaraki Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture is also still being detected in fish exceeded the radioactive material. proliferation cycle longer than that. . as a unit, then through the atmospheric circulation movement, spread to China after the concentration of only about 10 to the negative 25 power. so do not worry about nuclear waste waters of China. pollution depends on the flow of water in the discharge of nuclear waste , the radioactive iodine and cesium is mainly due to the different length of time radioactive half-life, harm not the same. Iodine -131 is radioactive half-life of 8 days, after 10 half-lives, it will greatly reduce the radioactive, hazard can be ignored Therefore, movement of radioactive material in ocean currents are mainly cesium. Japan Atomic Energy Agency still had political researcher in the field half-life of nearly 30 years of radioactive cesium from the Ibaraki area carried out the proliferation of computer simulation of the situation calculus, was found along the currents of radioactive cesium 5 years after arrival in North America, 10 years after the return to eastern Asia, almost 30 years later spread throughout the Pacific. However, he believes that even now the 20,000 tons of highly radioactive water leaks, radioactivity in 1 year will be diluted to post about 1 Becquerel per liter, 10 years after Henri Becquerel less than 0.1, the level will not impact on the human body. After the Chernobyl accident, a number of institutions of international studies have shown that the more serious by the radioactive contamination is closed water bodies such as lakes, not rivers and oceans. Russian Academy of Sciences has compared the different polluted areas of the freshwater fish muscle tissue concentration of cesium -137 and found that fish in the river by pollution than fish in the lakes to light. Germany is responsible for fishery environment monitoring radioactive contamination of John Heinrich von Thunen Institute also issued a statement that, according to the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the experience gained, Fukushima nuclear power plant leaks radioactive material is not to fish and other marine biological cause long-term pollution. The institute famous that the Chernobyl nuclear accident, Germany in the past 25 years continuous monitoring of radioactive contamination of the incident on the adjacent Atlantic and Baltic fish, and found radioactive pollutants in the Good water circulation area will soon be diluted. the second year after the accident, the German had not detected the pertinent area of ​​cesium contamination caused by nuclear accidents. there is no dilution of the huge capacity of the sea, the sea of ​​radiation in addition to dilution, a considerable part of it will sink to the seabed. Although Japan has repeatedly stressed that the impact of sewage on fish is finite, but the City University of Hong Kong Associate Professor of Biology and HW Lam said, many will stay in the coastal water, pollution of suspended substances, when the deposition of suspended material to the bottom, will pollute the sea bed, and slowly spread to the entire food chain. the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety in ocean currents and other data as the basis for computer simulation calculations, concluded: The precipitated particles in the form of radioactive substances in the sea may cause long-term pollution. primarily the number of half-life of cesium--134, the half-life of cesium -137 for about 30 years, may precipitate the Japanese coastal areas, require long-term monitoring. The agency pointed out that the radioactive material may also in fish and shellfish to accumulate. This refers to the This is difficult to harmful substances from the body, they gradually accumulate in it. eagle to eat the rabbit for a living, so harmful chemicals will be further accumulation in vivo in Atlanta. the food chain accumulation of harmful chemical substances and zoom effects. If is radioactive cesium, molluscs and algae in the accumulation rate is 50 times, but is rich in fish 400 times. radioactive iodine contrast, in fish will be enriched 15 times, is a seaweedWithin a few months.
Fukushima nuclear power plant sewage pollution of the seas of Japan has become a reality. Reuters
Fukushima now is not clear what are the fish near the sea, how will the migration. If the fish a long address time in the contaminated areas, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be formed of cesium contamination after the Chernobyl accident
also shows that the impact of the food is mainly for cesium, it will pass and with the food chain enrichment, thus predatory fish muscle tissue over time may have more radiation. Portsmouth University of British environmental scientist Jim Smith said, and now folk do not have a clear waters near Fukushima What are the fish, how will the migration. If the fish in the polluted area for a long stay, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be the formation of cesium contamination. More worryingly low levels of nuclear contamination in the water before entering the sea, Japan have taken place in a water leakage of nuclear radiation. containing high concentrations of radioactive water from the Unit 2 of Fukushima cracks into the Pacific, resulting in sea water near the unit contains more than 750 times the legal limit of radioactive iodine, the local aquatic products also been seriously polluted. Hazard also said now is not clear. capacity of about 3,000 tons of vacant condenser. It is estimated that the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima Unit 1 to 3 units outside the turbine house basement and tunnels and shafts, there are at least 60,000 tons of highly radioactive water, this 3,000 tons storage capacity is clearly inadequate. However, in view of Unit 2 of the most serious problem: the water surface radiation is very high in this environment for 4 hours tin cause death. Meanwhile, the shaft of the sewage has been the morning of April 10 Jude Biao rose to 92 cm, if he did not promptly transfer,beijing massage, it may overflow. But for the rest of the high-level radioactive wastewater treatment methods, Japan has as yet come up with solutions. At present, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the ocean has been polluted is a fact. National Geographic Web site, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the radioactive contamination of marine animals living on the local damage. radiotherapy ecologists 沃德维克勒 said the eggs and larvae of marine animals are more sensitive to radiation, radiation exposure caused by will change their DNA. Chen Jianxin that now conclude that Japan had no effect on nuclear waste water is still too early to China, eat it clearly will also be contaminated. Security Court and the Provincial Nuclear Security Nuclear Safety Commission formally announced the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima severity of the accident, up.
the accident is still in progress, Junichi Matsumoto, Tokyo Electric Power Company cadres and even pointed out: the accident. What are fish, how will the migration. If the fish in the polluted area for a long stay, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be the formation of cesium contamination, Tokyo, Beijing from 5 to 7 direct rise to the highest level, when the April 12, the Japanese Ministry of Economy and Energy Security Security Institute Nuclear Safety Commission formally announced that the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident severity of the first class Chernobyl may mate, or even beyond the Chernobyl accident. the sound of protest and discontent, April 10, the Japanese finally stopped the discharge of radioactive nuclear waste to the sea, 6 days, 11,500 tons equivalent of four Olympic swimming pools of the low concentration of radioactive contamination in waste water discharged into the sea. These radioactive waste on the sea is still difficult to assess what impact, but the panic and fear to spread in Japan. Tokyo's major supermarket, customers are hesitant to buy fish more. Not only that, businesses in the procurement of salt before the nuclear accident fish and dried fish were a little slow moving, they can only think of ways to boost sales. Some sushi restaurants said that since the Fukushima nuclear accident, they have been asked by the customer security issues. In fact, the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese government sewage into the sea move, the Japanese people from the beginning to feel shock and anger. rumblings of discontent first heard from the Japan Fisheries, Fukushima Prefecture Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Staff Officer Shuji Ono said: notify the Federation did not have time to explain to the fishermen. resigned look and said angrily. Ibaraki, Japan Fisheries Association, announced the marine fish catch from the sea near radioactive material was detected excessive, affected, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places of seafood trading volume fell. Chinese officials in April 9 to expand the prohibition of food imports from Japan and the origin of species ranges. East Power did not specify the concentration of these radioactive waste value, but accented that it was relevant provisions of the low concentration of nuclear contamination of sewage usually refers to radiation than normal seawater concentration of 100 times the pollution of water, but Tokyo Electric said the ; do not know how much radioactivity concentration, which is not clear exactly what kind of ingredients, in addition to radioactive substances, there may be something else. The message is preferably opaque. With the proliferation of ocean currents and the International Atomic Energy Agency World Meteorological Organization, the Regional Environmental Emergency Response Centre, Beijing Zhou Bin, senior engineer of nuclear proliferation in the ocean water made a vivid metaphor: is to continue to spread around the dilution and movement to the downstream, upstream and downstream concentrations continue to decay. where is the famous fishing grounds, the two stocks after ocean currents meet here, to the north, the formation of warm Pacific Ocean and into the Alaska and Canada, continued south to the United States and in Mexico, and along the western equatorial flow, and finally back into the Malay Islands and the vicinity of China Taiwan. From the perspective of ocean currents, Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation leak or discharge of polluted water bodies, mainly driven by the Kuroshio Current to the northwest and northeast Pacific Ocean side of the spread. the French National Academy of Sciences commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to Fukushima sea submarine topography, tide, water temperature, salt concentration, predicted the spread of radioactive materials. It was found that radioactive material will initially be spread along the coast to the north and south, to the north of Taiwan after the fairy will spread to the east-west direction . That is why, despite the strong from Malaysia near the vicinity of the Kuroshio flows northward from the Japanese archipelago
Japanese public anger and panic
home in the Zhou Banguo sound of protest and discontent, April 10 , the Japanese finally stopped discharging radioactive nuclear waste to the sea, 6 days, 11,500 tons equivalent to four Olympic swimming pools of the low concentration of radioactive contamination in waste water discharged into the sea.
these radioactive impact of waste on the sea is still difficult to meter, but the fear and panic to spread in Japan.
Tokyo's colossal supermarket, customers are hesitant to purchase fish more. Not only that, businesses in the acquisition of nuclear accident salted fish and dried before Some fish are slow moving, they can only consider of ways to shove sales. Some sushi canteens said that since the Fukushima nuclear accident, they have been queried by the purchaser security issues. Fukushima nuclear power plant sewage pollution of the seas of Japan has transform a reality. Reuters Today It is not clear what are the waters near Fukushima fish, how will the migration. If the fish in the polluted area for a long stay, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be the formation of cesium contamination, Blue Jianzhong, gold slightly from the bottom of Tokyo, Beijing from 5 to 7 straight rise to the maximum level, when the April 12, the Japanese Ministry of Economy and Energy Security Security Institute Nuclear Safety Commission formally announced that the first nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima the severity of : Zhou Banguo rage and panic in the home and dissatisfaction with the sound of protest, 10 April, the Japanese finally stopped the discharge of radioactive nuclear waste to the sea, 6 days, 11,500 tons equivalent to 4 Olympic swimming pools of water with low concentrations of radioactive contamination discharged into the sea. These radioactive waste on the sea is still difficult to assess what impact, but the panic and fear to spread in Japan. Tokyo's major supermarket, customers are hesitant to buy fish more. Not only that, affair before the buy nuclear power plant accident in the salted and dried fish were a tiny slow moving, they can only consider of ways to boost sales. Some sushi canteens said that since the Fukushima nuclear accident, they have been inquired by the customer security issues. In fact, the Tokyo Electric Power companies and the Japanese government's migrate sewage to the sea, the Japanese people from the starting was shocked and offended. rumblings of discontent first heard from the Japan Fisheries, Fukushima Prefecture Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Staff Officer Shuji Ono said: In the two hours before the begin of discharge notification Federation did not have time to unravel to the fishermen. ! trading volume declined. Chinese officials in April 9 to expand the prohibition of food imports from Japan and the origin of the species scope. Tokyo Electric Power Company did not clarify the concentration level radioactive waste water, but stressed that it was . by such accurate technological terminology. Herald Tribune, favor a river of ink drops, the spread of the ink is diluted to nigh often, and the downstream movement, continue to lower the concentration of decay. Thousand Islands and Kuroshio encounter is the place cold,UNESCO Beijing Office,beijing escort, but also renowned fishing grounds, where ocean currents meet two shares, to continue northward, the formation of the Pacific lukewarm current, flow of Alaska and Canada, continued south to the United States and in Mexico, and along the equator West flow, and finally flows back to the neighborhood of Malaysia and China Taiwan. From the perspective of ocean currents, Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation leak or discharge of polluted water bodies, mainly driven by the Kuroshio Current to the northwest and northeast Pacific Ocean side of the spread. the French National Scientific Research Institute commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to Fukushima waters topography, tide, water temperature, salt concentration, prophesied the spread of radioactive materials. It was found that radioactive material will initially be spread along the seashore to the northwardly and south, to the north of the immortals Taiwan later, will spread to the east-west direction. Because of this, though there are muscular from the Malay Archipelago near the neighborhood of the Kuroshio flows northward from the Japanese archipelago
In fact, the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese government's sewage to the sea moves from the opening to the Japanese public was shocked and angry. rumblings of discontent first heard from the Japan Fisheries, Fukushima Prefecture Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Staff Officer Shuji Ono said: Federation did not have time to explain to the fishermen. Wu resigned see broad and angry son said.
Ibaraki, Japan Fisheries Association, announced the marine fish arrest from the sea approximate a radioactive substance was detected excessive, affected, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places of seafood trading volume down. Chinese officials in the April 9 inflated ban food imports from Japan and the origin of species ranges. after the Chernobyl accident showed that the major impact of the food is cesium, it will pass with the food chain, and enrichment, Therefore, predatory fish muscle tissue over time may have more radiation. Portsmouth University of British environmental scientist Jim Smith said, and immediately it is not remove what are the waters near fish Fukushima , how will the migration. If the fish in the polluted area for a long stay, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be the formation of cesium contamination. More worryingly low levels of nuclear contamination in the wastewater into the sea before, Japan has taken place a nuclear radiation sewage spills. radioactive water containing lofty concentrations of Unit 2 of Fukushima from Japan into the Pacific cracks, resulting in sea water near the unit including more than 750 times the valid limit of radioactive iodine, is also seriously polluted the local aquatic products . he could not. 3,000 tons of vacant condenser. It is estimated that the 1st Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant turbine room of Unit 3 units appearance the cellar and tunnels and shafts, by fewest there are 60,000 tons of highly radioactive waste water, which the cache capacity of 3,000 tons of clear is a drop in the tub. However, given the most serious problem of Unit 2: The water surface radiation is very high, in this environment for 4 hours to cause necrosis. Meanwhile, the shaft of the sewage on April 10 has mushroomed from the a.m. surface 92 cm, if he did not promptly migrate, it may spill. But for the rest of the high-level radioactive wastewater handling usages, Japan has even now come up with solutions. At present, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the ocean has been polluted is a fact. National Geographic Web site, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the radioactive contamination of marine beasts living on the local break. radiotherapy ecologists 沃德维克勒 said the eggs and larvae of marine animals are more sensitive to radiation, the radiation exposure will lead to alteration them the DNA. Chen contends that the Japanese nuclear waste water is now concluded no achieve on China is still too early, Obviously entities will be contaminated. nuclear contamination of sewage ordinarily refers to radiation than regular seawater concentration of 100 times the pollution of water, but Tokyo Electric said the How many concentration do not know, which is not clear accurate what variety of elements, in addition to radioactive substances, there may be someone else. very vague.
after the Chernobyl accident showed that the major impact of the food is cesium, it will pass with the food chain, and enrichment,beijing escort, so predatory fish muscle tissue over time may be more radiation. Portsmouth University of British environmental scientist Jim Smith said, and now it is not clear what are the waters near Fukushima fish, how will the migration. If the fish in the polluted area for a long stay, then enriched through the food chain to fish may be the formation of cesium contamination. More worryingly low levels of nuclear contamination in the wastewater into the sea before, Japan has undergone a water leakage of nuclear radiation. containing high concentrations of radioactive water from Japan Unit 2 of Fukushima cracks into the Pacific, resulting in sea water near the unit contains more than 750 times the legal limit of radioactive iodine, the local aquatic products has also been seriously polluted. The biggest worry, there is not fair iodine, cesium radiation, and may include other substances such as broken bars, these things will cause anyone harm to the human body could not mention now. accumulation of the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima No. 2 shaft turbine plant near the high-level radioactive wastewater. The water is being transferred to the plant room with a capacity of about 3,000 tons of vacant condenser. It is estimated that the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima 1 to 3 units and units outside the turbine house basement tunnels and shafts, there are at least 60,000 tons of highly radioactive waste water, the storage capacity of 3,000 tons of this is clearly inadequate. However, in view of Unit 2 of the most serious problem: the water Surface radiation is very high in this environment for 4 hours can cause death. Meanwhile, the shaft of the sewage April 10 Jude Biao morning has risen to 92 centimeters, if he did not promptly transfer, it may overflow. But for the rest of high-level radioactive waste water treatment methods, Japan has as yet come up with solutions. At present, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the ocean has been polluted is a fact. National Geographic Web site, Fukushima nuclear power plant near the radioactive pollution on the survival of the local marine animals damage. radiotherapy ecologists 沃德维克勒 said the eggs and larvae of marine animals are more sensitive to radiation, the radiation exposure will lead to changes in their DNA. Chen Jianxin that now conclude that Japan had no effect on China of nuclear waste water too early, World Meteorological Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency
Regional Environmental Emergency Response Centre Beijing Zhou Bin, senior engineer of nuclear proliferation in the ocean water made a vivid metaphor: dilution, and the downstream movement, continue to lower the concentration of decay. where is the noted fishing grounds, the two stocks after ocean currents meet here, to the north, the formation of warm Pacific Ocean and into the Alaska and Canada, continued south to the United States and in Mexico, and along the western equatorial flow, and finally back into the Malay Islands and the vicinity of China Taiwan.
from the perspective of ocean currents, Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation leak alternatively dismiss of polluted water bodies, chiefly pedaled along the Kuroshio Current apt the northwest and northeast Pacific Ocean side of the spread. However, the south of Fukushima Prefecture Ibaraki County would still have been found in fish surpassed the radioactive stuff. 11,500 tons of low concentration of nuclear waste into the sea, the ocean currents will dilute pollutants to the native 1%. and Zhou Bin deem namely, through airy diffusion model calculations, if the concentration of radioactive material in place for a unit, then through the atmospheric rotation movement, spread to China later the concentration of only almost 10 to the negative 25 power. so do no worry about nuclear waste waters of China. pollution depends above the flow of water in the discharge of nuclear waste, the radioactive iodine and cesium is mainly , due to the assorted width of period radioactive half-life, harm not the same. Iodine -131 is radioactive half-life of 8 days, after 10 half-lives, it will greatly depress the radioactive peril is negligible, so manoeuvre of radioactive material in the important ocean currents is cesium. Japan Atomic Energy Agency still had political researcher in the wild is about 30-year half-life of radioactive cesium from the Ibaraki district carried out the proliferation of computer simulation of the location calculus, was found according the currents of radioactive cesium, 5 years after appearance in North USA, 10 years after the return to Asian Asia, nearly 30 years later scatter to the whole Pacific Ocean. However, he believes namely even if the leakage of 20,000 tons of extremely radioactive sewage, radioactivity in 1 annual will likewise be diluted to about 1 becquerel per liter, 10 less than 0.1 years after Henri Becquerel, the class will not impact on the people body. After the Chernobyl accident, a digit of traditions of multinational studies have shown namely the extra serious by the radioactive contamination is a closed body of water such as lakes, not rivers and the ocean. Russian Academy of Sciences has likened the differ polluted areas of the freshwater fish muscle tissue concentration of cesium -137 and found that fish in the river by pollution than fish in the lakes to light. Germany is responsible for monitoring radioactive contamination of fishery context John Hay by Heinrich von Thunen Institute too issued a expression that, along to the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the experience gained, Fukushima nuclear power plant leaks radioactive material will not reason long-term fish and other navy pollution. The Institute pointed out that Chernobyl nuclear accident, the German in the past 25 years consecutive monitoring of radioactive contamination of the incident ashore the contiguous Atlantic and Baltic fish, and found radioactive pollutants in the water cycle will presently be a nice space dilution. the second year after the accident, the German had been found on waters of cesium contamination caused by nuclear accidents. there is not dilution of the mammoth capacity of the sea, the sea of ​​radiation in addition to dilution, yet likewise a considerable portion of it will sink to the seabed. Although Japan has repeatedly accented the limited clash of sewage on fish, merely the City University of Hong Kong Associate Professor of Biology and HW Lam, said that numerous will stay in the coastal water, pollution of suspended substances, when suspended stuff deposition to the bottom, will defile the sea bed, slowly spread to the entire edible necklace. the French Institute as Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety in ocean currents and other file as the basis as computer simulation calculations, concluded: The particles in the form of radioactive material deposited on the seabed may cause long-term contamination. In particular, Cs - number of half-life of 134 years, half-life of cesium -137 for about 30 years, may precipitate the Japanese coastal areas, require long-term monitoring. The agency pointed out that the radioactive material may also rich in fish and shellfish. This manner is the It will gradually amass. eagle to dine the rabbit for a living, so harmful chemicals will be beyond accumulation in the body of one eagle. the food chain accumulation of harmful chemical substances and zoom effects. if radioactive cesium, in molluscs and algae in the accumulation rate is 50 times, but is wealthy in fish 400 times. radioactive iodine compare, in fish will be enriched 15 times, seaweed is a milliin seasons. According to radioactive substances and biological species different pollution conditions are also different. seaweeds, radioactive iodine -131 is a excellent hazard of pollution, but a quite short half-life of iodine -131, so there remains a significant risk merely in a few months.
French National Academy of Sciences commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to Fukushima sea submarine topography, tide, water temperature, salt concentration, predicted the spread of radioactive materials. It was found that radioactive material will initially be spread along the coast to the north and south, to the Sin northern Taiwan, the will spread to the east-west direction. Because of this, although there is strong from Malaysia near the vicinity of the Kuroshio flows northward from the Japanese isles before,beijing massage, Ibaraki Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, south of the fish are still radioactive substances level is detected excessive.
Zhou Bin said, , 11,500 tons of low concentration of nuclear waste into the sea, the ocean currents will dilute pollutants to the original 1%. However, the south of Ibaraki Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture is also still being detected in fish exceeded the radioactive material. circulation of the movement, usually 2 to 3 weeks will be a circle around the Earth, radioactive substances and nuclear proliferation with the atmospheric circulation time longer than that. and atmosphere resistance, precipitation diminution of settlement and their own multi-effects continue to dilute the radioactive material in the concentration will continue to dwindle. dilution to the original 1%. and Zhou Bin, that by atmospheric diffusion model calculations, if the concentration of radioactive material in place as a unit, then through the atmospheric circulation movement, spread to China after the concentration of only the negative 25 power of 10 ...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this comprehensive report. What's happening to our oceans is really a disgrace. It's really awful that people are not giving our oceans that much of an importance, considering that 50% of the air we breathe comes from it. Check this video out:
